Monday, May 4, 2009

Printing The NYT Costs Twice As Much As Sending Every Subscriber A Free Kindle

"It costs the Times about twice as much money to print and deliver the newspaper over a year as it would cost to send each of its subscribers a brand new Amazon Kindle instead."Technology for delivering the newsprint isn't just expensive and inefficient; it's funny. The times is so under what they are suppose to be they have a lot of debt to cover!

There not saying everyone should be subscribers on the kindle because that would kill the revenue and also because not everyone likes the kindle. But this article is letting people know how much money they could be saving by doing this other method. The New York Times has been in trouble for a while with there money situation and something needs to be done about it. They can't keep up with it if they keep loosing money every time they print and sell!

Do not! Drink and Drive!

Drunk driving has been a serious issue throughout the whole world! We have tried so many things to prevent this and it still goes on everyday. There should be more harsh penalties on this offense and maybe people will eventually stop. It seems like everyday you see on the news of someone, or a celebrity caught for drunk driving. It has become some what acceptable and this can not be allowed!

One way to try stop drunk driving is to restrict young drivers from driving during the night time, or put something on a person's license if they had been caught for a DUI/ or DWI. There are many more ways to try and lessen this problem a little but still, that wouldn't be enough. So many horrible tragedies have occurred because of stupid people getting behind the wheel Drunk! I feel the only way to get it through peoples heads is to make severe! consequences for drinking and driving.
click here

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Network news VS The daily show

The daily show and the network news are very different from each other. YES! they might talk about the same issues but the daily show is much more brief then the network news. You can learn much more into detail about something watching the network news than the daily show. But!,the daily show is very funny and brings a much larger, younger audience. More people probably watch the daily show more than the network news, but at least watching some type of news is better then none.

I never really watch the network news that much but I watch the daily show all the time. It's better to watch the daily show and get some news than no news at all. John Stewart gets the point across in a funny way and it is very entertaining to watch. It not boring like the network news. It is some what of an issue that more people watch the daily show than the network news, but it is how our society is today. Any way you can get information about the news weather it is the local news or John Stewart, GET THAT INFORMATION!

Local News at 5!

The local news at 5 shows a variety of political and non-political issues. It discuses recent sport issues, illnesses like the swine flu, up coming weather, and some political issues. I feel that the local news talks about what the people want too here most about. If there is a recent political issue or a recent big time sports deal, I feel they will announce the sports deal first. For example I went on my local news channel, and the first thing they talked about was the weather.

There are political issues discussed but the local news at 5 talks about issues that the people want to hear most about. This local news channels focus on the entertainment side, then the political side. This is not a good thing because politics are the most important news we can here about. There could be something really bad that happened to our government but more people would know about the local first round draft pick for the Oakland A's. I feel there should be more political issues disused on our local news because I didn't see that much on mine.

Brush your teeth kids!!

This blog talks shortly about how you can do certain things to make dental Hygiene easier for children. I chose this blog because personally I have an obsession with teeth and taking care of them is very important to me. This blogs quality is short but sweet. It doesn't go into to much detal but it gets the point across. Dental hygiene for children can sometimes be difficult and frustrating. Children complain about brushing their teeth and they have a lack of cooperation.

There are many ways to make this not as difficult on the parents such as buying a toothbrush that is fun and colorful. It was recommended to get a moving or vibrating toothbrush because it is less work for the children to do. Give your children fruity toothpaste and disposable dental floss is always a plus. Dental hygiene is important when you are young because it can save you a lot of money in your future. Dentist appointment's are not cheap in today's society. Keep an eye on your children and make sure they are on top of there dental hygiene.

link... click here

Married and Single Parents Spending More Time With Children, Study Finds

This article talks about how "women still do twice as much housework and child care as men'' in two-parent families. They said the total hours of work between a mother and a father are equal! They said over time the father;s have picked up some of the slack when it comes time to spending time with there children. Mothers however, seem to be going down over the years when it comes to caring for their children.

I will cut them some slack because it is proven that they get less time to sleep or have free time. Over the past few years child care has been going down and this isn't good. Alot more women are working now then they did in the past, so obviously the hours are going to go lower but hopefully not to much lower. Child care is more important than employment.

link here

A rediculous show!

On the show "The girls Next Door" I feel that this has a strong negative effect on girls in our society. The girls shown in this show are viewed as pretty much the perfect girl. They have ridiculous body shapes and they are like how ever guy would want a girl. Young girls look at these women on this show and try to be like them because they are on T.V., and they want attention like the girls in this show. I feel that alot of younger girls look up to these beautiful women and its not a good thing because they are playboy bunnies lol. These girls get naked, and act dumb on T.V for entertainment purposes.

In reality! most girls do not look even close as good as these girls look. Personally I would never want my daughter watching this show becuase I do not want her to get any slutty ideas from these women. I don't think the show should be cancelled because money runs the world and if people are entertained by this show it is making money, and it should go on. I just feel that parents need to keep an eye on there children and make sure they don't watch shows like this becuase you don't get any good from these shows. They bring nothing but negativity towards girls in today's real society!